Elyssa Gray

Executive Coach & Professional Development Trainer

Elyssa Gray, Vice President of Advertising for Visa USA, started with Visa, USA late 1997.  Over the past 8+ years she has worked on numerous product launches including Visa Signature and Visa Buxx, Segment marketing, national promotion campaigns and all of Visa’s Sports and Entertainment sponsorships.  She currently has responsibility for U.S. advertising in support of the Visa’s Olympic and Broadway sponsorships, Visa Check Card as well as the Hispanic and Youth segments.  This responsibility includes national and local television, print and radio and out of home advertising.

Ms. Gray’s advertising foundation was developed working at BBDO NY, a world class advertising agency, in both Media and Account Services departments on several powerful consumer brand companies.  These included Dupont, Texaco, Visa USA, and Armstrong.

Elyssa graduated from the University of Vermont and currently resides in NYC with her husband David and son Ethan.
