ANDY Awards – 2017 FAQ Guide. #SaveTheIdeas
The 53rd Annual ANDY Awards is now accepting submissions.
Submit your work before January 13th to avoid late fees.
We have extended our deadline to January 25th! (late fees apply)
Last chance, FINAL DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 17th. (double late fees apply)
You can submit on behalf of your agency, a client or yourself. Below are some frequently asked questions when starting the entry process and don’t forget to bookmark the Call-For-Entries details (Professional and Student).
What are the ANDYs?
Founded in 1964, the ANDYs honor global creativity in advertising, and recognize the contributions of individuals and companies who continually innovate, experiment and inspire with novel approaches to communication. Creative agencies, production houses, portfolio schools, brand marketers and more submit their work.
Tell me more about the Awards.
ANDY Award winners also compete for the ANDY’s highest honor, the GRANDY. In addition to gaining prominence within the industry, the GRANDY winner receives a cash prize of $50,000.
All Public Service Gold ANDY winners are eligible for the Richard T. O’Reilly Award (named in memory of the National Director of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America), the title of the best PSA of the year and a donation of $10,000 directly to the charity the winning work was created to promote.
All Gold winners (with the exception of PSA work) are considered for the annual Bravery Award recognizing the marketer for their courage and allowing for innovative and courageous ideas to help evolve our industry.
The Best In Show student winner receives The Glenn C. Smith Award and $10,000 Scholarship to further their creative studies.
Is my work eligible?
We accept work that has run from February 9, 2016 to February 24, 2017.
Please email The ANDY Team with questions or if you plan to enter work which will not run until after the February 6, 2017.
How is the work judged?
The ANDYs remain one, integrated Jury of hand-selected globally renowned creative leaders. All Jurors see all of the work. Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards are given to both single and campaign executions, distinguished by product, service or technique category.
Where can I find the categories?
If you are a professional, access full information on categories and submitting here. For the student competition, access information here.
When is the deadline?
First Deadline: January 13, 2017 *
Extended Deadline: January 25, 2017**
Final Deadline: February 17, 2017
No late fees are incurred if work was finalized before midnight PST January 13th, 2017.
*After January 13th there will be $100 fee per entry.
**After the January 25th late fees will double to $200 per entry.
When is the deadline to send print work?
Physical mounted print work that accompanies print entries must arrive to The ANDY Offices by February 6, 2017.
Where do I send my print work?
ANDY Awards
989 Avenue of the Americas, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10018
When entering print work, what does accordion style mean?
In our Entry Packet materials we state “For Print Campaigns, tape each campaign together accordion style reading from left to right (horizontal) as a single unit. Number each ad within the campaign in the same sequence as indicated on the entry form.” We ask for the work this way so we know exactly what order it should be viewed and can help to prevent the work from being separated.
Please consider the following when preparing your PRINT entries for shipment:
Do NOT send your work rolled in a tube.
Don’t forget to include your itemized list inside your package.
If the same print piece is entered in more than one category, you must send a copy for EACH category.
What is this barcode for and why do I need it?
The barcode is how the Jury judges your print work. It is found at the bottom of your print forms generated by AwardCore. Please ensure the barcode is securely attached to the front of your physical print piece on the lower left hand corner (for campaigns, only attach to the first piece in the campaign sequence.)
How do I change my account information from the previous year?
We do not keep the previous year’s log in information. After you register, you will receive an email with your 2017 log in information. The passwords are automated and will look something like this: 3Cx45qu9. We are sorry for the inconvenience but they cannot be changed
Why do I keep getting a “file too large” error?
For assistance formatting your creative to our specs, please refer to Quickly upload your files and select International ANDY Awards. EntryBot is in the cloud and available 24/7 from anywhere in the world.
Can I submit supplemental/additional print work to be included alongside my print, video or radio entries?
The ANDY Awards will only accept supplemental materials if it is absolutely necessary for the jury to properly judge an entry. If you decide to send us supplemental materials please attach the entry form to the back so we can match it to the appropriate entry. Please contact the ANDY Awards team if you need further clarification on this.
Can I edit/add credits after I’ve submitted payment and completed my entries?
Yes. It should also be noted that if the work goes on to place in our show we do NOT use the credits in the system. The ANDY Awards team will follow up individually with the winners to obtain the credits they’d like published.
When does the ANDY Awards publish the nominees?
The nominees are announced after judging is complete on March 10, 2017.
We will send an email to our entrants as well as issue a press release and post on our website.
How will I know if I have won an ANDY Award?
If your work is nominated that means you may have won an ANDY. If you did not place in the Show, but appear on the nomination list you should be very proud that your work was in contention and highly respected by our esteemed jury. The ANDY staff will contact entrants individually letting them know that they have been nominated, but they have either won gold, silver or bronze ANDY(s) and provide information about the upcoming Show. The Show and Party is the FIRST place entrants will find out whether they have won a Bronze, Silver or Gold ANDY.
How do students enter The ANDY Awards?
The ANDY Awards are not only for professionals. We encourage students to register for our Student Competition for a chance to win The Glenn C. Smith Award. The winner of the Student Competition receives a $10,000 scholarship to further their creative studies.
If I want to enter the Student ANDY Awards do I have to be currently enrolled in my school/university or can I enter work from before I graduated?
Any full-time student in an accredited institution of higher learning is eligible to submit entries. Students must be currently enrolled in their university in order for their work to be eligible for the ANDY Awards.
Do I have to be an AD Club member to enter The ANDY Awards?
It is not required for you to be a member of The ADVERTISING Club to submit work into The ANDY Awards. Learn more about membership here.
Are the ANDYs on social media?