Millward Brown releases Top 10-year Takeaways in Anniversary Edition of BrandZ!


Millward Brown released their 10th anniversary edition of BrandZ, featuring their 10-year key takeaways that they’ve gathered on brand value, the future of brands, and so much more. They also feature BrandZ’s Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands of 2015. Did your brand make it on the list?

You can find all of their results in BrandZ’s Anniversary Edition Report here:


Here are the top takeaways from the 10th Anniversary Edition of BrandZ:

1) Difference makes the difference: brand difference drives brand value

In a world of so much product sameness, being different makes a difference. Brands consumers view as “Different” generally achieve higher Brand Value.

2) Brand becomes more important: Strongest brands survive during challenging times

Brand Power proved crucial during the past 10 years. The decade divided roughly into two halves, before and after the global financial crisis. No category was spared as consumers spent more cautiously and consciously.

3) Purpose builds equity: Clear purpose fast tracks brand equity

Having a clear brand purpose accelerates the growth of brand equity, the factor that predisposes a consumer to purchase a particular brand, or to pay more for it, or both.

4) Branding precedes advertising: Perfect the proposition, then communicate it

Two things are critical for building and sustaining valuable brands: a clear, resonant brand idea or proposition, and compelling advertising. In combination, the two components drive Brand Value exponentially.

Those are just some of the key takeaways but there’s so much more! Click here to know how to drive your brand’s experience, where the future of your brand is headed, and see if you made it on BrandZ’s Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands of 2015!