One Singular Sensation
In yesterday’s New York Times, advertising columnist Stuart Elliott highlighted how The One Club is “taking a step to reconsider the proliferation of ad industry honors” by discontinuing shows in a number of award categories and going back to its roots with one single show.
Well, we think what they are doing is smart. For the past 50 years, the International ANDY Awards have recognized the best work in every medium, from every product category, in (pardon the pun) one show.
When other shows were splintering their juries, winners and shows, we maintained that the best creative minds in the business are equipped to select the best work, without question. No ANDY Interactive or ANDY Rx for us. The International ANDY Awards remain what we’ve always been – a show that strives to elevate the craft and recognize the people who are doing the best work.
In this, our 50th year, we expand the discussion from ‘who is the most creative?’ to ‘who is taking bold, brave steps to make our industry better in the next 50 years and beyond?’ The future success of our industry will not rely on the number of medals bestowed on agency creatives and the number of awards shows; rather, it will require industry leaders to champion bravery, e.g. more diversity in talent, defying the odds, making a bold statement, etc. It’s encouraging to see other organizations follow our lead and bring the focus back to moving the ad industry forward into a future that’s brighter than ever.