Talking Talent with Pinterest

From Yolanda Lam, Global Head of Agency & Ads Partners, Pinterest

As agencies have faced recent financial hardships due to the current climate, how do you think they can make hiring new talent a priority?

As an ex-agency executive myself, I believe whether agencies are going through successful or less successful periods, there needs to be a deliberate strategy on how to acquire and retain top talent. This current climate is the barometer of whether agencies put in the effort to focus on this previously. A sound strategy also requires executive sponsorship, engagement and follow-through to ensure success.

How should agencies address the issue of lack of Black employees in mid- to senior to C-Suite roles?

As part of any agency’s talent strategy, diversity must be an area of focus. If there is no nurturing of talent of diverse backgrounds from the earliest of stages (recruitment onward), there is no hope to lead diverse talent into managerial positions. This starts from internship programs to entry-level positions.

How do you think the new class of talent can reshape the agency landscape?

The newest class of agency talent are hard working, resilient and some of the most solutions oriented groups we’ve ever encountered. They are digital natives and very versed in world issues. They are motivated by causes and movements and will bring that into the workforce in the most positive of ways. Corporate entities should leverage that enthusiasm and excitement to ignite their purpose driven cultures. 

What advice do you have for the next class of talent entering the workforce?

Be bold. Be curious. Be generous. Avoid negativity 🙂

What does the conversation around talent look like one year from now?

I hope that we are talking about thriving programs that agencies have developed to address diversity and nurturing talent. I hope this shines a light for agencies to continue building on their unique cultures that is focused on their talent and people. Because as everyone knows, without its people, there are no agencies.