Vector Media Is Changing The Way Advertisers Are Looking at OOH

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By: Vector Media

Pay-per-click online ads may yield high click rates, but we all know half of those aren’t actually true impressions as much as they are computer-generated bots. A 130ft billboard, like one of Vector Media’s on the Vegas Strip, however, is guaranteed to have hundreds of thousands of eyes land on it.

So there’s no denying that the tried and true out-of-home methods work, but how is Vector bringing their campaigns down from the wall and into the palm of your hand?

Vector is changing the way advertisers look at the out-of-home space. They are leading the charge with innovations in digital connectivity by offering additions to your typical OOH campaign. By combining everyday technologies like WiFi, and newer ones including Bluetooth beacons and user-triggered geofences, the consumer experience is shifted. For the first time in the industry, companies like Vector are able to not only guarantee top-level impressions, but also push a brand’s messaging via notifications to mobile devices. And to top it off, these digital technologies deliver hard data and analytics which can be leveraged by the advertiser, revealing information about their audience they’ve never seen before.

Popular online social platforms like Vine, Snapchat and Instagram are making short and sweet content not just a trend, but something consumers have come to expect. Additionally, consumers are becoming more informed about advertising practices through their increased exposure to it online, so attention-spans are becoming shorter. In this modern environment, instantly delivering brand messages through technologies like those Vector is involved with is both effective and desirable.

If you’re one of those believers that OOH advertising is from the Jurassic era, it’s time to pay close attention to forward-thinking agencies like Vector Media.

The AD Club’s 8th Annual OOH Conference is on Wednesday, December 2nd. Don’t miss out – click here to register today!